Confessions in an Old English style

Saying I’ve been absent is one huge understatement, but I’m sorry (not sorry) to tell you that probably I’ll vanish into the thin air again and I’ll keep doing that.
Life goes on, priorities change and my ability to multitask has seriously gotten worse with time.
I graduated, started a new university, done exams, went to a beautiful vacation to Brazil with my mom (do not worry, a post telling you everything about it won’t delay), and procrastinated very much.
I won’t tell you I’ll be consistent from now on, but I will tell you that I’ll write about the things I like, as always, when I’ll find them and I’ll think you’ll like them too; because that’s what blogging is for me.
No rush, no expectation, no comparison to other amazing blogs and bloggers – no need for even more anxiety, am I right?

Now that the “confessions” part has been dealt with, how about the Old English style?

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Best Tools For Bloggers

Being a blogger for more than a year I learned many things and above all what tools to use to advertise my blog, increase views and promote my posts; and in this post I will tell you what are the sites you use and how.


Chief among them is Twitter. This is a social media platform that offers many possibilities for us bloggers; of course it is useful to promote the articles, sharing them in your feed, but not everyone knows (or at least I have recently discovered) that there are special profiles for bloggers that offer retweet if you tag them in your tweeets, here is a short list of those to whom I rely:

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